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Places to Visit in San Miguel de Allende San Miguel Events Home l Contact

There is a lot to experience in and around San Miguel de Allende.

NOTE: The first bit of the contact information for each listing is the neighborhood.

attractions san miguel allende

Bellas Artes-Centro Cultural -National Institute for Fine Arts

Centro, Hernandez Macias #75, 152 0289,,

attractions san miguel allende

Biblioteca Publica -Bilingual Public Library

Centro, Insurgentes 25, 152 0293,,

attractions san miguel allende

Canada de la Virgen -Archeological Site

attractions san miguel allende

Capilla de la Hermita -Church


attractions san miguel allende

Casa de la Cultura de San Miguel de Allende -Cultural Center

Centro, Bajada del Chorro 4, 154 5670,

attractions san miguel allende

Casa Del Mayorazgo de la Canal -Former Private Home

Centro, Canal corner Jardin Principal

attractions san miguel allende

El Charco del Ingenio -Ecological Park


attractions san miguel allende

El Chorro -Park

Centro, Between Canadita and Callejon Chorro

attractions san miguel allende

Fabrica la Aurora -Art and Design Center

Aurora, Calzada de la Aurora, 152 1312,,

attractions san miguel allende

Iglesia San Rafael or Santa Escuela de Cristo -Church


attractions san miguel allende

Jardin Principal -Central Plaza and Park

Centro, In front of Parroquia

attractions san miguel allende

La Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel -Parish Church

Centro, Jardin Principal Corner Cuna de Allende, 152 1745

attractions san miguel allende

Mercado de Artesanias -Craft Market

Centro, Between Colegio and Loreto, 152 8444

attractions san miguel allende

Mirador -Scenic Lookout

Salida a Queretaro

attractions san miguel allende

Museo Casa de Don Ignacio Allende -Ignacio Allende's Birthplace and Museum

Centro, Umaran corner Cuna de Allende, 152 2499,,

attractions san miguel allende

Parque Benito Juarez -Park

Centro, Aldama corner Diezmo Viejo

attractions san miguel allende

Parroquia de San Antonio de Padua -Church

San Antonio, Plaza de San Antonio 1

attractions san miguel allende

Plaza Civica -Civic Plaza

Centro, Mesones corner Colegio

attractions san miguel allende

Presidencia Municipal -Historic City Hall

Centro, Plaza Principal, 152 9600,

attractions san miguel allende

Santa Cruz del Chorro -Church

El Chorro, Corner Chorro and Callejon del Chorro

attractions san miguel allende

Santuario de Jesus Nazareno - Atotonilco -Church

Atotonilco, Atotonilco Centro Historico, on the road to Dolores Hidalgo km 8

attractions san miguel allende

Teatro Angela Peralta -Theater


attractions san miguel allende

Templo de la Concepcion las Monjas -Church

Centro, Canal corner Hernandez Macias

attractions san miguel allende

Templo de la Tercera Orden -Church


attractions san miguel allende

Templo de Nuestra Senora de la Salud -Church

Centro, Juarez corner Mesones

attractions san miguel allende

Templo de San Francisco -Church

Centro, San Francisco corner Juarez

attractions san miguel allende

Templo de San Juan de Dios -Church

Centro, San Antonio Abad

attractions san miguel allende

Templo del Oratorio -Church

Centro, Insurgentes 12, 152 052,,

attractions san miguel allende

Tuesday Market -Market

Salida a Queretaro, Boulevard de la Conspiracion

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