NOTE: The first bit of the contact information for each listing is the neighborhood. |
Atenea Realty
"Your Real Estate Specialist" Sales Rentals Property Management
Centro, Jesus 2, 152 1337, US 210 5877755, info@atenearealty.com, www.atenearealty.com
Carlos Acuña, owner, staff 3, AMPI or NAR member
Atenea Realty is a complete service real estate company that has expertise and full knowledge of the real estate market and is part of a worldwide referral network of elite real estate practitioners that work with national and international clients. Atenea Realty has a trained and experienced professional team of realtors that offer their assistance and guidance throughout the entire real estate procedure setting the standard in services and customer satisfaction.
Atenea Realty is a member of AMPI (Mexican of Professional Realtors), NAR (National Association of Realtors, USA), and FIABCI (International Real Estate Federation). Broker-owner Carlos F. Acuña is a CIPS (Certified International Property Specialist) designee and a TRC (Transnational Referral Certified) specialist.
Click here for more information
ABC Realty
Cuna de Allende 11
(415) 152 5000, abc@abcrealty.com, www.abcrealty.com
Sterling reputation, prestige, world first class service for 29+ years, we are the third oldest real estate firm in San Miguel. We are happy to help you find the right home or property at a fair price. Thousands of satisfied customers. AMPI or NAR member
Abraham Cadena
San Antonio, Ancha de San Antonio 47, 152 1638, cadena@telecablesma.mx, www.abrahamcadena.com
Abraham Cadena, owner, staff 3, AMPI or NAR member
Agave San Miguel
Centro, Aldama 16, 152 2180, US 415 3667020, wesley@agavesanmiguel.com, www.agavesanmiguel.com
Wesley Gleason, owner, staff 5, AMPI or NAR member
Los Frailes, Esclavo 1, 152 2098, ahhernan@prodigy.net.mx, www.bienesraices-ah.com
Luisa Gomez de Hernandez, owner, staff 4, AMPI or NAR member
La Aldea, Av. Santa Cruz 11, 122 1226, info@alegranxarealestate.com, www.alegranxarealestate.com
Manolo Ramirez, director staff 4
Allende Properties
Centro, Cuna de Allende 15, 154 5000, US 214 4327558, info@allendeproperties.com, www.allendeproperties.com
Joanie Barcal, owner, staff 3, AMPI or NAR member
Bill Tirkot Realty
Centro, Quebrada 50, 152 3221, US 281 914 4212, info@tirkot.com, www.tirkot.com
Bill Tirkot, owner, staff 2
Centro, Sollano 16, 154 7809, US 877 730 4392, nancy@coatesdolan.com, www.cdrsanmiguel.com
Jim Dolan, director, staff 6, AMPI or NAR member
Calderoni Properties
Centro, Zacateros 21, 154 8164, US 713 5899911, ben@calderoniproperties.com, www.calderoniproperties.com
Ben Calderoni, owner, staff 2
Candela Real Estate
Centro, Recreo 13A , 152 1828, info@realestatecandela.com, www.realestatecandela.com
Adela Sanchez Aude, owner, staff 1, AMPI or NAR member
Casas de Campo
Plaza Real del Conde, Plaza Real del Conde Local AB-14, 152 0389, casasdecampo.sadecv@gmail.com; info@aproyectos.com
Luis Ferro Baeza, director, staff 2
San Miguel Villas de Allende
713.840.1411, Free US866.234.5422, info@sanmiguelvillas.com , www.SanMiguelVillas.com
35 one, two and three bedroom colonial style condominiums, are now complete. Built just a 25 minute walk from the center and 10 minuutes from the Art Institute. Private. Gated. Pool.
Casita Real Estate (La Conexion)
Centro, Aldama 3, 152 6173, laconex@yahoo.com, www.laconexion.com.mx
Susan Sargeant, owner, staff 1
Century21 Charming Realty
Centro, Mesones 76, cel 415-113-6593,
Oscar@century21charmingrealty.com, www.century21charmingrealty.com
Oscar Montes, staff 3, AMPI or NAR member
Coldwell Banker Premier
Centro, Zacateros 81A, 154 8531, US 310 6017913, will@realestate-premier.com, www.realestate-premier.com
William Shay, John Hendricks, owner, staff 9, AMPI or NAR member
Colonial Real Estate
Centro, Correo 3, 152 1579, US 951 750 6959, info@colonial-realestate.com, www.colonial-realestate.com
Alma Cecilia Ramirez, owner, staff 2, AMPI or NAR member
Contury Real Estate
Centro, Jesus 28, 152 2830, conturyj28@yahoo.com.mx, www.conturysma.com
Concepcion Ortega Ramirez, owner, staff 4
Dotty Vidargas Real Estate
Centro, Canal 36 corner of Zacateros, 152 0286 US 713 5746829, info@dottyvidargas.com, www.dottyvidargas.com
Ricardo Vidargas, owner, staff 1, AMPI or NAR member
Guadiana Properties
Guadiana, Guadiana 17A, 154 9145, maravillasma@hotmail.com
Janice Edison, owner, staff 1
Hacienda San Miguel
Centro, Pila Seca 34154 8900, US 214 810 7971, hacienda_realestate@yahoo.com.mx, www.lahaciendasanmiguel.com
Lic. Jose Luis Rodriguez Garcia y Miguel Angel Cervantes Rosas, owners, staff 4
Inmobiliaria Hidalgo
Guadiana, 120 4325, inmobiliariahidalgo@hotmail.com, www.bienesyraiceshidalgo.com.mx
Cristina Marcos Canavati, staff 1
La Casa
Centro, Cuna de Allende 19A, 154 7657, US 214 295 8565, lacasa@lacasasma.com, www.lacasasma.com
Alejandro Gutierrez, owner, AMPI or NAR member
La Margarita Real Estate
Centro, Sollano 4-A, 152 2893, US 415 7380779, lamargaritarealestate@gmail.com, www.sanmiguelhouses.com
Peggy Taylor, owner, staff 2, AMPI or NAR member
Los Suenos Properties
San Antonio, 28 de Abril 2 Norte, 152 4033, rentassma@gmail.com
Christina Rangel Hernadez, director, staff 1
La Aldea, Santa Cruz 11, 152 1657, mexhousing@hotmail.com, ??www.mexhousing.com
Hector Zamudio, owner, staff 1
Mexican Charm Group
Centro, Zacateros 13, 154 4195, US 832 295 0676, info@mexicancharm.com, www.mexicancharm.com
Eric Chazaro, director, staff 3, AMPI or NAR member
Mojarro Real Estate
Centro, Hernandez Macias 93, 152 2388, info@mojarro.org; mojarro_reality@hotmail.com; katianamojarro@hotmail.com, www.mojarro.org
Katiana Mojarro, director, staff 3
Centro, Mesones 56, 154 6742, bienesraicesolvera@hotmail.com, www.brolvera.blogspot.com
Blanca Olvera Mojardin, owner, staff 1
Portal Real Estate
Centro, Cuna de Allende 17 Int 6, 152 5232, US 210 5877604, info@portalrealestate.com.mx, ??www.portalrealestate.com.mx
Evaristo Garcia, owner, staff 1
Re/Max Archstone
La Lejona, Vicente Ariaza 122, 154 8810, US 866 2457460, info@remax-archstone.com, www.remax-archstone.com
Arq. Jorge Gonzalez, owner, staff 4, AMPI or NAR member
Re/Max Colonial
Centro, Recreo 14, 152 7363, US 512 2756303, info@remax-sanmiguel.com, www.realestateinsanmiguel.com
Lane Simmons, owner, staff 4, AMPI or NAR member
Real de San Miguel
Centro, Hidalgo 1D and Los Frailes, Rincon de La Paz 10, 152 2871, zavala_ramon@hotmail.com, ??www.realdesanmiguel.com
Ramon Zavala Garcia, owner, staff 2, AMPI or NAR member
Real Estate San Miguel
Centro, Quadrante and Aldama, and Hospicio 50, 152 2284, info@sanmiguel-mx.com, www.sanmiguel-mx.com
Michael Mervyn and Jack Sullivan, owners, staff 2, AMPI or NAR member
Real Estate San Miguel
Two Real Estate Offices; Hospicio 50 (415) 152 6510 www.sanmiguel-mx.com, Cuadrante esquina Aldama s/n (415) 152 2284
Bilingual experts, professional business, law, architecture credentials, 50+ years combined experience, comprehensive MLS type database of homes, historical properties, ranches, ruins, lots, development properties. AMPI or NAR member.
Realty San Miguel
Centro, Hernandez Macias 101, 185 8311, US 214 550 4898, info@realtysanmiguel.com, www.realtysanmiguel.com
Philip Hardcastle, owner, staff 12, AMPI or NAR member. RealtySanMiguel.com - the largest selection of real estate listings in San Miguel, along with comprehensive searching, blogs, videos, and more to meet all of your San Miguel real estate needs.
The largest selections of real estate listings in San Miguel.
San Miguel Residential
Apartado Postal #232, San Miguel de Allende, Gto, Mexico, 37700, 415 154 4639, realestate@sanmiguelresidencial.com, www.sanmiguelresidencial.com
homes, urban and rural lots, architectural design, construction, remodeling
Residencias San Miguel
Centro, Tenerias 39, 152 0979, realcalasita@hotmail.com
Ernesto Alcala, owner, staff 2
Rosalba Real Estate
Centro, Umaran 17A, 154 4472, contacto@rosalbarealty.com, www.rosalbarealty.com
Rosalba Rangel B., owner, staff 2, AMPI or NAR member
Royalty Real Estate
Salida a Queretaro, Salida a Queretaro 100 Altos 104, 110 2220, US 956 2050461, info@royalty-realestate.com, www.royalty-realestate.com
Jorge Moran, owner, staff 2
San Miguel Exclusives
Centro, Cardo 4, 154 6332, info@sanmiguelexclusives.com, www.sanmiguelexclusives.com
Wespy, owner, staff 5
San Miguel Luxury Homes
Centro, Huertas 15, 154 6073, parquejuarez@yahoo.com, www.sanmiguelluxuryhomes.com
Raymond Leslie Dugan, owner, staff 2, AMPI or NAR member
San Miguel Management Company
Centro, Hernandez Macias 111, 152 4416, US 832 3646307, info@sanmiguel-mgmt.com, www.sanmiguel-mgmt.com
Graciela Loyola, Peggy Blocker, owners, staff 2, AMPI or NAR member
Select Real Estate
Centro, Hernandez Macias 126, 152 2322, US 281 9144276, info@selectrealestate.com.mx, www.selectrealestate.com.mx
Rich McClarty, owner, staff 6, AMPI or NAR member
Sisal Real Estate
Centro, Hidalgo 16, Fabrica la Aurora, 154 8944, US 773 9484043, manuel@sisal.com.mx; realestate@sisal.com.mx, www.sisalbr.com
Manuel Pesqueira, owner, staff 3, AMPI or NAR member
Montes de Loreto, Pericos 6, 150 6120, rebecanny@hotmail.com,
Rebeca Noriega Neri, owner, staff 3
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